Sunday, November 8, 2009


I just rejoined (because I don't feel like paying for Match and eHarmony). I usually have an overly verbose About Me, but I decided to go with a more simple route this time around. I mean, they say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, right? So here we go. New tactic.

There's something about Sundays that makes me want to join dating websites. This occurs about once every 4 months. I have a spectacular weekend, and as I sit basking in the afterglow, I'm reminded that the only thing that could have possibly made it better would have been...well, a spontaneous dance party. (But a guy to share it with is a close second. Promise.)

So here I sit on a typical Autumn Sunday evening. There was lots of football, a little work, a considerable amount of laughter, some theatre, movies, beer, wine, food, adventures and a morning where I slept in all the way until 8 AM! If that doesn't paint a relatively accurate picture, I don't really know what else to tell you.

Gah. Don't judge me. But something in that department neeeeeeds to happen soon. Catch my drift?

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