Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I find a fatal flaw in the logic of love. (And go out of my head.)

Hokay. So.

It's 2008 and I'm ever so much more than optimistic that I've finally positioned myself for the Truly Amazing to happen. I spent 25 years apologizing for and being ashamed of who I am. I'm done. It's not the hand I would have picked if I'd had a say-so from the beginning. But what a stupid game that would turn out to be anyhow!

So why this new site? I don't know. I needed a fresh beginning, a source which leads to all kinds of accountability. I've been talking and thinking and processing for too long. Let 2008 be the year I stop talking. Action, baby!

As the ball dropped on the new year, I wasn't in a clear state to make resolutions. But in the past week, I've been able to think long and hard about what I'm going to do to make sure I don't just float along and miss the important things. 2007 was a transitory state. I didn't sit still, but I didn't really get anywhere, either. I don't want to be a buoy this year. So. I made a Plan. A List. (Not just resolutions, you see.)

Alison's Plan to Make 2008 a Brilliant Year:

1) Audition.

2) Take classes.

3) Love and be lovable.

4) Cut out the toxic, whiney, woe is me crap. (And cut out the toxic, whiney, woe is me people.)

5) Escape my Financial Black Hole.

6) Write real letters.

7) Find some kind of exercise I just love love love to do. Even if it means dancing like an idiot around the living room for 27 minutes a day.

8) Read. Lots.

9) Play more guitar.

10) Learn French. (Again.)

We'll see what happens. Ready? Set?


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