Of course, some have been saying that about me for 26 years now, so I of course use the phrase "sense of normalcy" as lightly and un-absolutely as possible. But. Normal for me. Which is still chaotic but never boring.
I'm sitting here looking at my bedroom and trying not to cry. This is what it looked like when I moved in.

Now, just picture it with the dresser on the other side of the room. And lots of clothes and clutter on the floor.
So yesterday, my friend Megan mentioned she had control of her parents' SUV and a desire to go to IKEA. Sign me up! As a result, I have been awake since 7:30 this morning, taking measurements and drooling over all the pretties on the website. Come 2 o'clock this afternoon, I will descend upon the (still relatively new) Brooklyn location, and probably stay until they kick me out come 10 PM. And then I will spend the rest of the night and all of tomorrow cleaning, tossing, scrubbing, re-organizing, and overhauling this pitiful place's entire look. Expect Holy Hotness pictures come Saturday morning. I'm going to HGTV/Extreme Home Makeover/Trading Places the hell out of my room. You're totes jeals. I know.
IKEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMMA COMIN'!!!!!!
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