Monday, March 31, 2008

Life's a little foggy, a little soggy.

On Friday night, sushi and martinis needed to happen. So they did.

When it came time to order, Crissie announced she would be having the pad thai. (Crissie and I are both very guilty of food ruts, you see.) So I exclaimed "Crissie! Break the pad thais that bind you!"

::Cue crickets.:: I thought it was hilaaaaarious. Apparently, nobody else finds it such.

While walking home from the bar, the subject of the funny places which I've publicly peed came up. I had to defend the time I peed in front of a deli in Brooklyn and without thinking I exclaimed "What?! It was a necessi-pee!" Grooooan. Apparently, Friday was a very punny night.

It's Monday for the rest of the world, but for me, it's Friday. Yes friends. I have two whole days off stretching ahead. I think I'll sleep and read. Sounds glorious.

1 comment:

Crystal Ann said...

I missed this post until today. And needed a good laugh. Alison to the rescue.

Thanks for making me smile.
God- it's so beautiful outside. and I'm forced to sit here and watch it all happen, from inside the office. Grr.
