New year, new layout. If you've visited my blog this week, you've probably seen it change by the second. I think I'm finally happy.
We'll see.
So the New Year has been fun. At midnight on the first, I made out with a Scottish dude. Somewhere around 2 AM, there came an Aussie. Seven days later, I bought a plane ticket from Pisa to Paris. Two days after that, a plane ticket from New York to Pisa. (I thought that might help me with the whole Paris to Pisa part.) Basically, I'm trying to tell you it's going to be a very international kind of year. And a fun one, too, with little regard for others' opinions or consequence.
I like it. I'm a fan.
I'm going to try really hard to do two things while in Europe. 1) Not be scared to try new and different things, even when alone and b) Not to be an ugly American or typical tourist. I've been extra nice to all the tourists I deal with daily in an effort to improve my tourist karma. Just in case I mess up, I'd like a little positive jou-jou stored away. I ransacked Barnes and Noble recently and am loaded up with Rick Steves guides and translation tools. I think I'm going to get a real live paper journal and sit at cafes and train stations and write about all the interesting things I'll be sure to learn while traveling. Introspection! Coming soon to an Alison near you!
I'm enjoying doing nothing lately. Except today. I woke up, took down all the Christmas decorations and the Christmas tree, resulting in a floor full of tree needles. With the tree down and an empty void, I decided the living room required rearranging. Apparently, most adults do not rearrange every 6 months. I guess I still have dorm room mentality, cause I do.
I have decided that every Sunday from here on out shall be No Pants Sunday. Sunday is the day you should rest and also the day you should not worry about things like pants. No Pants Sunday. Nice ring, huh?
I didn't make any resolutions this year. I know you're supposed to and all and I usually do but this year I did not. I simply made one life goal - be awesome. I consider it my umbrella for the year. Be awesome and everything underneath will be juuuuuuust fiiiiiine.